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Own It

· 2 min read
Arpit Sharma

Who is Mature?

Mature person is the one who owns to his or other actions and tries to fix it rather complain about it.

Why to be mature

Understand this with an example I ordered a room cooler with online store, the cooler wasn't working hence i asked for replacement, the pick up man came and bluntly said they only pick packed boxex. The tone was so rude that I immediately replied him that I was not informed about this before, hence he left and i shut the door.

A week passed and still i was struggling to get my cooler pickedup.

If I had shown maturity at the time of first visit I could have enjoyed writing this blog sitting in front of Havells Tuono 18 Litres Personal Air Cooler (Thermal Overload Protection, GHRACBCW180, Mint Blue)

How to be mature?

So collecting the points from all over the internet on how to be mature?

  1. Take responsibility

  2. Never complaint

  3. Don't gossip

  4. list 5 weakness of your self

  5. leave ego and fear - when you are young you always put your ego first,and as you grow you realize ego always did harm

  6. never seek attention - when you do good work - automatically you get loads of praise

  7. stop lying on small things

  8. balance emotional+ rational mind

  9. react calmly to rejection

  10. keep child within you alive do ask questions

#learnings Ok